Thursday, 6 September 2012

Little Miss Sceptical

That was me. And for so long. When I was ill, bed-bound, housebound, finding so little energy every day, crawling to the bathroom.
If you recover from ME, you can't have had ME in the first place.
I'm sorry. I admit it.
Where and why has all this changed?
I have seen unimaginable changes in myself.
The last month has been such a revelation. I have seen myself grow beyond measure. And most of that has happened inside. I still have very little energy compared to the general populous. However what energy I do have is being used for my benefit and my body is accepting what I do as totally normal. Before I came here, walking around the house, having a shower, cooking eggs was totally scary, totally unnormal! My body would react, be scared, physiologically the reactions were uncontrollable. I could do nothing.
I am walking outside a couple of times a week, I am cooking with aids, I am enjoying life for what it is... and all this is done without the physiological reactions that define ME.
My whole system has changed and I have been the instigator in that change.
I feel liked I've proved a miracle. So much of it has been about having faith, believing in whatever helps. And its also helped that I've always been a thinker, someone who analyses, so being able to understand the reasons for it.
ME is a common sense disease. It is the body saying "hang on a minute, let me rest, let me breathe, let me have a chance to start over" It is appearing and being identified so much more in our modern world as society and modern life expects so much of the human body and so many of us haven't quite reached the evolution point which helps us deal with society and modern life.
Everyone needs to say, "hang on a minute, let me rest, let me breathe, let me have a chance to start over" once in a while and probably so many other diseases would reduce too!
So what can I say about this week specifically...
I had my first organic veg and meat box. There is a chicken ready to go in the oven tomorrow (I'll make sure OH is around to do the lifting!), we've eaten cajun pork burgers, today I'm going to cook fish from the freezer and we have fresh runner beans with mixed salad leaves and romano peppers ready to fill our bellies.
The one non-local thing (other than the organic bananas!) that came in the box was a mango, which is sitting on the window sill and will hopefully ripen by the weekend for an exotic treat.
Life is beautiful.

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