Saturday, 1 September 2012

Legs Playing Catch-Up

My legs aren't quite with it today. I have to stretch what I know I can do occasionally, to see whether another level of exertion is possible. Yesterday without my realising it I was testing my legs. It hadn't really been planned.
In the morning I did my usual wake-up yoga, then did a 45minute class about setting intentions and clearing out- specifically titled Waxing to the Full Moon (Full Moon was 2.47pm yesterday). Traditionally nature grows more as the moon grows in it's cycle (obviously with  manmade chemicals and light pollution hanging around now, that doesn't quite work anymore!) The class included some balancing poses, standing and also a Moon Salutation cycle. Sun salutations should probably be avoided by ME patients- that's my experience anyway! But as this Moon salutation started slowly, I was willing to give it a go. With my now better breath control, I managed quite well and as always I just planned to leave the rest of the day without much walking, now that I had started with a standing yoga class.
I then made the pie after breakfast and had to return three times to the kitchen to keep checking the pastry and fruit at 25 minutes, 35 minutes and 45 minutes.  That shows me the one failing of using my own guesswork rather than a cookery book for the kitchen creativity. Sitting in the garden with the kitchen timer wasn't a good idea as going in and out so many times probably ended up with a total walk similar to my average walking meditation.
We then went around the supermarket! Oops!
And popped in to see a friend whose front path is on a particularly steep gradient.
So I've had a sleep this afternoon and an easy morning, just getting in the car with OH to pick up an internet order and I had no option but to use the wheelchair. I have a willing husband for cups of tea and Paralympics to keep me going.
It has been really nice to choose to use my legs, even if I don't have the choice for a couple of days now. I would not go back and undo yesterday.
This is why I get Disability benefits. If I can't do simple, necessary walking more than a couple of times a week, I definitely require help!

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