I am constantly amazed at how many therapists, doctors, teachers of all kinds are out there offering help to sufferers of ME. All over the internet and in advertisements for massage therapists, yoga teachers, life coaches the helps is there. It is a mind-blowing field of information which can cost a small fortune! Scepticism appears in my mind with so many as ME is a complex illness. Those who have done many supporting studies and have proof of recovery are the ones who catch my interest more.
So many of them are using different approaches towards the same end. The body is in fear, physical confusion and the practitioners help patients find ways of changing these physical patterns. Gentle, kind, loving practitioners offer so much. Some ask a lot of money, some work for donation or offer lower prices for those who can pay only so much, and can run on lower costs due to the charitable foundations attached to the business.
I have just found a book which is titled "Coping with Chronic Fatigue" I must have bought it so many years ago, because it was at the back of a bookcase and I had totally forgotten that I had it! It talks very simply about these familiar methods and puts it all in about 150 pages. (not a bad thing for people who can't read very often and have bad concentration and memory!) The need for personal connection cannot be put into words. So much of my recovery has been in the need for emotional support. My friends, family, specialists, talk to me on a regular basis, suggest new options... but only when I get to those points, not when I have read 3 chapters of a book in 2 weeks. One-to-one help, or methods with videos and information which can be used only when the next stage is reached, is so necessary. I definitely recommend it.
So why is it working for me now and might take longer for someone using the same methods?
Firstly I have been using many of these methods for a long time already, they just never had a name or title and doctor attached to them? I know I had to be in the right place, financially and along my life path to benefit to the extent that I have from working with the specialists I have chosen.
I had worked through so many of my symptoms over so many years and found solutions for these. It took much desperation, determination and a lot of tears! If I hadn't done this I might be taking so much longer to recover to the same point as I am now. I am also in a place with a terrific husband who offers me unconditional support with this journey. I do not work, we are fortunate enough to have family and friends nearby who support me physically and emotionally. Without children or pets I can rest when necessary; I can have a day in bed or a lazy day on the sofa, lie in the garden all afternoon if I choose and have a lift to the surgery whenever I need to go. So many things in my life are going right and it is the years of experience with this illness that has given me the confidence to know what is right and make choices in my life to support that experience.
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