Tuesday, 8 January 2013

New Year, New Me

This isnt so much a resolution blog post, just a gathering of thoughts. So don't expect any diets or revolutionary new treatments ( I refuse to have mud baths three times a week!!!- my sense of humour will keep me going though!)
2012 has been an amazing year for me. Just remembering the state of my body, the things I couldn't do this time last year is all I need to spur me on to achieve the similar bounds in 2013.
I would like to be able to walk every day if I choose to, or have to. I would like to walk and carry something at the same time. I struggle with the obligatory handbag I carry at the moment if I am in town. Most of the time I have it wedged under my armpit so I notice the weight least. When I go for a therapeutic walk I just have my keys and phone- I'm unlikely to do a weekly shop or need a paracetamol or teabag while I'm sitting watching the ducks by the river!
I also dream about managing some gardening on a larger scale, this year I put some potatoes in two pots, tided the patio a couple of times and you may remember I also cleared the landscaping bark from the gravel! The tasks in our garden have to be divided up, we have so many flowerbeds and so much grass and scrub. I know we are lucky and it was one of the reasons we chose this bungalow to be ours but I have a gardener's mind...once I get started there's very little stopping me and my ideas keep flowing. Maybe I will make this a goal for this year, to choose one gardening job at a time and manage it in small bursts. A friend of mine knows an ME patient who managed his recovery by building a shed. He promised himself he would go out and build on the days when he was able and work for 5 minutes or 2 hours, the days would dictate, not a strict timetable (not the way most bosses would prefer it, but I don't think my garden will complain that much!).
I also hope 2013 brings me the opportunity to visit my friends.The last time I did this was 2007 and it was a disaster. Sleeping on the sofa bed, travelling on the train, too much noise and activity, too many people in one house during the weekend for my body to cope with and I came home to have seizures during the next week. I have started this dream already. This week, for five days I am staying with a friend while her parents are on holiday. As she also has ME we are great company for each other. The understanding of "not today", and "can I have some peace and quiet for an hour?" is perfect. Over the next 12 months we have already agreed to repeat this experiment, as it has obviously worked and I will try and visit at least one other person too. It has been slightly gut-retching as it has been the first night my husband and I have slept in separate beds, in separate houses. Almost eight years of marriage and we have been inseparable! (I quite like it actually- having a whole double bed to myself!)

So 2013 involves walking, carrying, gardening and visiting... oh and playing the piano. I'm desperate to do that again, to play with full abandon; I used to play for hours at a time, just loving every moment. As with walking and gardening I probably need to let myself go occasionally, then draw in the stays most days and find some discipline! Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year, Hannah - they sound like good goals to aim for

  2. Hi, thanks. I'm going to get going on the bread sourdough starter today, now I'm back from my friend's, and hope to master the art of making dough in a mixer without over kneading! When we were making soda bread two or three times weekly I used Shipton Mill (www.shipton-mill.co.uk) for the flour...like the Winchester Mill it's all stoneground so the proteins stay in the final flour.
