Something which I have noticed more this week than before is how different my weekends are to my 5 day weeks.
Over the last few months the 'spare bedroom' in our house has been tidied and largely emptied to become my 'quiet room', 'yoga room', 'rest room'.
It now contains all my knitting yarn, my yoga mat, blocks and bolster and a shelf unit with bits and pieces which have no other place in the house (gift wrap, jiffy bags, DIY tools, you know the rest!) and most importantly it has the wonderfully comfortable chair and footstool that I mentioned in last weeks's post.
So this weekend I had a new option. When I was tired or just wanted some quiet time I went in there and my husband took over. The door was knocked on, the phone rang... I stayed in there and said to myself "I'm not getting involved, he can sort it out". The beauty of it was that I couldn't hear the resulting visitor or conversation, so unless it specifically involved me I did not need to know what was happening.
Now the week is nearing its last days I know how different it is to be living in the whole of the house and having to get involved.
It exhausts me somedays.
On Saturday we detected a gas leak near the front gate and my husband dealt with the whole situation, answered questions, gave me feedback when necessary. I have had to continue the work as the leak was not resolved until Monday and I noticed the difference, waiting for engineers, answering questions, not sleeping or resting in case they knocked on the door and I didn't hear them.
I also notice how much I let OH take over in the kitchen. I have been quite lethargic all week and really struggled to do much more than a mug of soup and a roll for lunch. The stash of meals in the freezer has run down as the warmer weather has put us off from heating the oven and organising larger meals. I've been relying on eating fruit and salad- not much good when 'ripen at home' peaches go mouldy when they haven't ripened yet!
Oh well, enough moaning for now! So I need to find a way of dealing with the gas leaks and mouldy peaches, empty freezer and broken oven (that's another story!). For now I think it will just have to involve escaping to my IKEA chair and yoga mat even if the phone keeps ringing. And I do know I am looking forward to Friday when I will have three days in front of me without getting involved!
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