Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Eleven questions AKA MeMe

This is slightly off-topic, but actually shows my willingness to involve myself in the day-to-day life of socialising and "getting out there" again. As the days go by, I feel more able to integrate into the big wide world again, it has to be slow and as the days go by I will be more able some days than others.
I have to answer eleven questions and then nominate some other bloggers to answer mine which I will set at the end of the post.
Here goes... questions from Recipe Junkie

Here are my ELEVEN meme answers...

Wham or Frankie Goes to Hollywood?
Frankie was way out there, but I can't let go of the Christmas blues - Last Christmas, I gave you my heart.... I have to see the video every year on 4Music now, it is as close to my heart and slightly cheesy as watching the Christmassy films Holiday and Love Actually.

Dog or Cat? Never had either, but love neighbour's dogs jumping up with glee to see me and obeying my order to calm down and SIT! Cats can be so soft and furry, but I will never get used to the stink of cat litter or the scratch of claws through the thickest pairs of jeans.

Nigella or Delia?
Delia, hands down. My culinary teacher and what a kitchen she had in the eighties! I love her Complete Illustrated Cookery Course and it has the privileged home in my kitchen with The Dairy Book of Home Cookery and Muffins; all my others are in the living room where we have more cupboard space.

Silent Witness or CSI?
Never watched Neither!!!

Thomas Cook or Internet?

TV or Radio?

London or Paris?
Can't find Covent Garden, the Hayward or Coulthard Galleries in Paris! All a walkable distance from Waterloo station and the Hayward is the perfect hideout if I have 15 minutes to spare before I definitely need to buy a coffee on the station!

If you could choose any 6 people to come for dinner with you (living or dead) who would you choose and why?
Sigmund Freud, he could analyse all the guests.
Stephen Fry, he has some amazing name-dropping skills, as seen on QI, and he could tell us a witty tale or two after dessert.
Eliza Dolittle, to sing in-between courses.
Renoir, to give us all portraits, or do an oil painting of the whole affair.
Leonardo de Vinci, to do the same, and possibly exclaim at some point during the evening "the iPhone; I invented that in the 18th Century, during my last dinner party!"
My sister, who is great at helping in the kitchen and would keep me sane through all the chaos of having dead people actually in my garden.

What would you cook?
I'm thinking it would be more relaxed(and easier for Freud to start his analysis) if we were in the garden at the height of summer...
Delia's Sausage rolls and home made Dough balls as entrées
Straight into BBQ, Sausage/pepper/onion kebabs, beef burgers, chicken drumsticks, potato wedges, salad- basically finger food
And finally...Triple Chocolate Chocolate (mocha) Chocolate muffins with creamy Yeo Valley vanilla ice cream- had to name-drop there, the most amazing creamy ice cream I have eaten, like, ever !!!

Favourite book when you were a child?
That's not fair- favourite!.. OK, What Katy Did.

Earliest memory?
Viewing what turned out to be our long-term family home at age of three, and being scared by a big, black labrador on the green flowery sofa- I remember the scary bit as I distinctly know I had a viewpoint from behind Daddy's legs!

My ELEVEN questions..

Which is your favourite fruit?
Any weird allergies... go on, you know you want to share?!
Train or Plane, if budget wasn't involved?
Which book did you finished most recently?
And when?- be truthful- last night, or three years ago!
Coffee or tea?
And which options do you go for in a coffee shop, earl grey? latte? hot milk? sugar?
Opera at Royal Albert Hall, or gig at Wembley?
And which one or who?
When writing your blog which words most often need to be repaired by spellchecker?
Have you ever broken anything? (ie. bones in your body, not a plate in the kitchen!)- tell us how.

Now I need to tag some fellow bloggers. As I am new at this lark and haven't actually started reading or following many and most of those that I am following are organisations and businesses, which probably wouldn't want to put this on their company websites,I'm going to start with she who tagged me and follow from there...

Recipe Junkie
Cakes, babies and other ramblings
Sezza Knits

1 comment:

  1. ha ha - touche - thanks for doing the meme! I'm not sure if it's in the rules for me to do another post, but I'll answer your questions here:

    - a proper ripe nectarine
    - none whatsoever
    - train - am hankering to do the trans-siberian railway
    - The Lies we Told by Diane Chamberlain
    - Actually, last night!
    - tea first then proper coffee
    - latte
    - gig
    - saw Coldplay most recently - awesome. Would love to see Mumford & Sons live
    - I am a spelling genius
    - my nose. twice. (1) playing hockey - ball straight in face, (2) landing badly after a parachute jump - got groundrush, landed on my bum and smacked myself in the face with my knee.
